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Faith for the Miraculous

Owen Walton
6 Students enrolled
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This course is currently being taught. New lessons will be added each week. You can start the course anytime and study at your own pace

Jesus’ disciples were ordinary people, but after hanging around Jesus they became convinced they could do miracles. By the time of the Book of Acts, they stepped into the miraculous. Some would have us believe this is rare and only for a select few, but Jesus did not promote this idea.

Jesus encouraged participation in the miraculous, stating that those who beleive in Him will do the works He did and greater works. Also, that like He spoke to the fig tree, so believers can speak to mountains and they will obey.

Jesus showed that we can affect the natural world around us with faith and miraculous power.

It’s time for the Body of Christ to come higher in this area and believe what is possible. This course is designed to expand your thinking and believing, challenging you to walk in the type of faith Jesus taught.

Faith for miracles
Course details
Lectures 30
Level Intermediate


These courses are provided free of charge. If you would like to give to support this ministry, you can send an offering via Paypal