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First Steps to Fulfill God's Plan for You

Owen Walton
2 Students enrolled
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This Free Bible Course is currently being taught. You can start at anytime. 

New Lessons will be added weekly. 

This course looks at how to fulfil God’s plan for your life, including a call into Ministry. If God has called you, the practical tips from God’s Word given in this course will lay out a path to stepping into what God has for you.

We will look at the lives of a number of people in the Bible and how they entered God’s plan for them, including Jesus, Moses, Elijah, Elisha, David, Jeremiah and Paul.

Lessons will include scriptural steps you can take, as well as things not to do, with lots of practical advice.

First Steps Into Ministry
Course details
Lectures 5
Level Foundation


These courses are provided free of charge. If you would like to give to support this ministry, you can send an offering via Paypal