From These Shores Online Bible Course

About Free Online Bible Courses

Study online at your own pace

With From These Shores Bible Courses, you can study individual courses at your own pace and build toward a comprehensive understanding of the Bible.

Register for a specific course on the course page and study at your own pace. All the lessons for courses are found on the course page under the ‘curriculum’ tab on the course page.

Study at a time that suits you. You do not have to be present at a specific time for lessons. The lessons are available on this website so that you can study in your own time.

These online Bible Courses are designed to bring solid quality Word based teaching to people on a larger scale. Many people are hungry for more teaching, but do not have a good Bible School near them. By taking these online Bible courses, you will be able to study the Word of God, increase your understanding of the Bible and become established in God’s truth.

From These Shores is a Bible teaching ministry. The vision is to stir hunger for the Word of God and a passion for revival. This website is for the online Bible courses.

You can find more information about the ministry and vision on the main website:

How Long is the Course?

Course lengths vary depending on the topic and how many lessons are needed to cover the subject. Please see individual courses for the number of lessons involved.

You can find information about individual courses on the courses page.

Lesson lengths vary. Some are 50 minutes, but many average around 30 minutes per lesson.

I encourage you to set time aside each week to study the course material as this helps develop consistency to do some each week.

New courses will continue to be added and will build toward a thorough study of a wide range of subjects. You choose how far you study.

Course Material

Each course consists of video and audio teaching content (initially taught live). There are no tests.

Additional material, such as written handouts and information about recommended reading, may be provided in the course area.

To get the most out of the subject, it is a good idea to listen to the video/audio teachings multiple times through the week. Also, take notes.

Any recommended books will need to be purchased separately and are not provided as part of the course.

Course Content and Structure

You will be able to monitor your progress through the course to see what you have accomplished.

In addition, you can track which courses you have completed.

Online study vs live study

These online courses are not intended to replace live church attendance. They are an additional means to study and grow in the Word of God for people who want more.

God put it on my heart to provide these online courses. I understand that there are people who live in places where they do not have access to solid teaching of the Word of God or a Word Teaching Bible College nearby. My desire is to saturate the nation in the Word of God: every village, town, city across the United Kingdom saturated in the Word of God by making quality Word based teaching available to every Christian in the nation. These online courses are intended to bring good teaching of the Word into the hands of more people in more places.

Owen Walton Bible teacher

Contacting the instructor

Students can ask the teacher course relevant questions about the course subject by sending messages through the course website.

Please note: Questions are welcome in relation to the Bible courses. However, this is not counselling. Issues related to counselling should be directed toward your pastor. Questions should relate specifically to the subject being studied. There may be some flexibility to answer questions about other subjects, but only general, please stick to the course subject.

Practical Information

Course content is accessed through this course website. Login to access the material for the course you are registered for. The course content will not be emailed to you. For information about how to find the course content once you are registered, please see the help page which has specific instructions.

Free Online Bible Courses

Start online Bible Courses today and grow in the Word of God.

Become Strong in the Word and faith.

Get fully equipped to fulful God's plan.

Be ready for challenges, for the move of God and the return of Jesus.

Owen Walton

I have been to Bible School before. Is it still worth me doing this online Bible course?

I believe the answer is yes. This course is not just about knowledge. There is also a strong focus on becoming established in Biblical truths, particularly the truths of the New Testament. Many people who have been to a Bible School still find they can grow in the Word of God in many areas. I believe that we become established in truths by staying in them and focusing in on them for an extended period of time.

Often at Bible School, people learn a lot quickly, but don’t necessarily become established in what they learn. They then find that years later, they are still struggling with areas of their walk with God. For example, they may know that Jesus made them righteous, but they continue to struggle with feelings of guilt and condemnation from sin. Also, they may know that God answers prayer, but struggle to get their own prayers answered.

This course is not just about learning information, but about becoming strong and solid in the Word of God, so that it is working in your life. The focus is to become established and to the place where you are finally getting results.

I have always wanted to attend Bible School, but been unable to for various reason. Will this course help me to finally achieve this desire of mine?

From These Shores Online Bible courses are designed to provide similar content to Bible Colleges. The major difference with this course is that it takes place online, which enables you to remain in your current location (rather than moving to attend a Bible College), as well as fit your studies into your current routine.

So, yes. I believe that this online Bible course will enable you to fulfil your dream of studying at Bible College level.

Owen Walton Bible teacher